
Shodan quotes system shock 2
Shodan quotes system shock 2

(Short version: "Schuler has been captured by cyborg assassins and is held in special containment cell in level 9.")

shodan quotes system shock 2

We are holding Schuler unit for further study and possible neuro-disassembly. Schuler unit is an enemy to the great scheme of our Lord SHODAN. Per orders from Diego CY-001, Schuler unit has been captured by cyborg warriors and stored in a special containment cell on the bridge. Both of the screenshots to the right also appeared on various editions of the game's packaging, alongside the disclaimer "actual screens may vary." "Craze" was actually an early name of one of the dermal patches, as can be seen in some pre-release screenshots from July 1994 and earlier. This log suggests there was originally going to be more of a backstory regarding the unlikely abundance of performance-enhancing drugs scattered around a scientific space station. recommend search of detention cells for craze stashes.")Ī log regarding the detention cells on the security level from "Jill Verrelli", who makes no other appearance in the entire game. (Short version: "trafficker committed suicide in cell. I recommend a search of the cells to uncover any stashes they might have there. Incidentally, many of the prisoners have been getting patches, so we think a guard might be in on it. The trafficking suspect committed suicide in her cell before we could interrogate her. We have had a minor setback with cracking the craze ring. It was later used in System Shock 2's intro. Despite only being used as a throwaway "test" clip, it is arguably the most well-known bit of sound from the Shock series. It also exists in the form of an email message, though you never actually receive it in-game at any point, so the text version of it is completely unused (and differs noticeably from the audio version, as do most of the logs and email messages). This is used in the CD-ROM version's installer to test the sound card. (Short version: "Pathetic creature of meat and bone! How can you hope to challenge a perfect, immortal machine?")

shodan quotes system shock 2

What kind of pathetic creator made such a flimsy being? How dare you challenge a perfect, immortal machine like me? Humans! Born useless and helpless, living whether you deserve to live, dying whether you deserve to die, your only purpose in life to spawn more ridiculous animals like yourself. Look at you, Hacker! A pathetic creature of fragile meat and bone.

Shodan quotes system shock 2